1. Which of the following statements is not valid to create new object in C#?
2. If you run C# executable file multiple times, multiple processes are created. If you want to have only one application process even if you launch multiple times, what can you use?
3. Which of the following operators cannot use operator overloading?
4. In multithread programming, which of the followings is not using Thread Pool?
5. Class A has [Serializable()] attribute. When is [Serializable] checked? [Serializable()] class A { }
6. The followings are some examples of integer arrays. Which expression is not valid in C#?
7. Which of the following statements is true about C# anonymous type?
8. What is the result of variable a and b? var a = 5L == 5.0F; var b = 24L / 5 == 24 / 5d;
9. When defining a class using C# Generics, which of the followings is invalid?
10. Which of the following statements is incorrect about C# delegate?